
DDoS Threat Report 2017 Q1

During Q1 2017, application-layer attacks like HTTP GET/POST Flood predominated, overtaking volumetric-based attacks.

  • In Q1 2017, the number of DDoS attacks observed by Nexusguard registered a 380% year-on- year growth, suggesting that DDoS attacks occurred more frequently than the same period a year ago.
  • Uncommonly fierce attacks were observed in Q1 2017 - much more so than in preceding quarters. An enormous 275Gbps attack took place during Valentine’s Day and a lengthy attack spanning 4,060 minutes occurred over the Chinese New Year.
  • The percentage of days with sizeable attacks (larger than 10Gbps) grew considerably between January (48.39%) and March (64.29%).
  • HTTP attack counts and total attack counts increased over Q4 2016 by 147.13% and 37.59% respectively.

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