This paper looks at how the Financial Services Industry is adversely impacted by DDoS Attacks. We present a business impact analysis and various solutions to the problems faced by the industry.
DDoS attacks on financial services organizations have resulted in millions of dollars of damages. The average amount of downtime following a DDoS attack is 54 minutes and the cost for each minute is averaging $5,000. Financial firms therefore require a fast, efficient, and reliable DDoS mitigation solution in place to be fully protected and should choose a leading vendor with security expertise and the capacity to defend against and absorb the impact of a DDoS attack. Your apps and APIs are how your customers experience your business. Financial services organizations need to protect every site, app, and API wherever they are deployed.
Nexusguard’s true hybrid & fully managed infrastructure helps you scale protections across your entire infrastructure to enable seamless and secure customer experiences, every time. no matter the size and methodology of a DDoS attack.
This paper highlights Nexusguard’s protection suites for Applications and DNS.